Serial Mom True Story


Movie Serial Mom True Story

Serial Mom True Story

Or learn the story of female serial killer Aileen Wuornos, whose own film adaptation, Monster, tells you much of what you need to know about her in the title. From those immortalized onscreen to those too brutal for the movies, these are the worst serial killer stories you won’t be able to stop reading. 'Serial Mom' has as its central joke (and a very long-running joke it is) that Beverly Sutphin, a cheerful Baltimore housewife who makes terrific meatloaf, is a serial killer. The movie thinks it is funny to contrast this with the idealized homelife she provides (or thinks she provides) for her family, which seems to have been cloned from 'Ozzie and Harriet' and other idealized nuclear units. These true crime stories are so horrific, it’s difficult to believe they actually happened, or that human beings could be capable of committing such atrocities. And yet, these stories are indeed all true. Sometimes, real life is a lot grimmer than fiction. Sometimes, real life involves murder, abduction, betrayal, torture, and death. The opening credits claim that the movie is based on a true story. This is not actually the case; the titles are just the first of the film's many satires of true crime. 72 of 72 found this. Mathew Lillard plays serial mom's son. Lillard would later play a serial killer himself in 'Scream'. 34 of 43 found this interesting. Rhoda’s ability to function and hide her true self with wily cunning foretells the likes of Patrick Bateman or Henry in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, but the seeming ease with which she.

Serial Mom True Story

What Really Happened to Lost Cosmonauts?


Begin of Space Era During the late 1950's and early 1960's, the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union was hot. Both sides built and tested rockets as quickly as they could, trying to be the first to launch an artificial satellite into orbit, often with explosive results. some, most notably amateur radio operators, listened more closely than others And of they were young brothers from Italy, Achille and Giovanni Judica-CordigliaAchille and Giovanni Judica-Cordiglia Achille and Giovanni Judica-Cordiglia were two AMATEUR radio opmators who established a SOVIET listening station in the 1960s Located in an abandoned bunker called Torre bert... Read More

When I Get you Alone, I will cut You up into Bits


On May 27, 1980, thirty-two-year-old secretary Dorothy Jane Scott dropped her young son Shanti off at her parents' house in Anaheim, California and went to a company meeting.While there, a coworker named Conrad Bostron complained of pain so severe that Dorothy offered to take him to the hospital with another coworker named Pam Head. The doctors found that he had been bitten by a black widow spider. At around 11pm that same night, the man started to recover and was discharged. Pam stayed with him while he filled out paperwork for insurance, while Dorothy went to fetch the car and bring it close to the entrance so her distraught coworker wouldn't have to exert effort and walk far. After a... Read More

Real Alien footage. Tape by KGB


This film clip starts with the KGB 'The sword and the shield' emblem.From the first contact in 1942, a series of diplomatic visits to discuss matters of mutual concern were planned.Under the treaty 23/04, these meetings would take place in secrecy, a limited number of special agents would escort visitors and they would only meet high ranking officers.According to the document 072 / E, at the meeting of 1961 there was an incident involving 3 subjects due to the violation of the agreement by the officers at the military base when they discovered that their arrival was been filmed with a hidden device without their consent.Under the treaty 23/04, the meetings would be... Read More