Blister In Crack Of Buttock

A rash on buttocks or butt crack can occur in toddlers, adult females and males. In most cases, it can mean a viral rash, heat rash, a reaction to allergies or even an STD. Here are pictures and treatments to get rid of a rash on the buttocks and inner thighs fast.

Rash on buttocks is a symptom known to cause the affected area of the skin to turn red, become blotchy, and start swelling. The rash may cause the appearance of spots that are scaly, bumpy, flaky, and in some cases, the spots are filled with pus.



Itchy bumps in buttock crack or blister on buttocks appear in toddlers, adult females, and males. This is as a result of many reasons, including jock itch. Heat rash, fungal infection and skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis. These conditions have been already discussed in this article. I have a sore (like either a heat rash sort of thing or sweatiness sore in my butt crack). This is something that I have never experienced. I have experienced yeast infections in my other lower areas, but nothing ever like this in the middle of my crack. However, in some cases, you should see a doctor for a rash on your buttocks or in your butt crack. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends seeking medical attention for a rash in the following circumstances: 26. The rash develops suddenly and spreads. You notice blisters on the affected area on your buttocks. Sores in Butt Crack needhelpfl. I have a sore (like either a heat rash sort of thing or sweatiness sore in my butt crack). This is something that I have never experienced. I have experienced yeast infections in my other lower areas, but nothing ever like this in the middle of my crack. It seems to itch, sometimes is dry and bleeds when I wipe. The most obvious symptom of a boil located in your butt crack is a red, painful bump in your skin. The bump may swell as it fills with pus. Pus is a collection of dead white blood cells.

  • Causes of a Rash on Buttocks
  • How to Get Rid of a Rash on Buttocks
    • Home remedies for rashes on skin

Butt crack rashes can be red, clustered or single bumps that are itchy. They can appear on the butt crack, near the bum hole or even around the butt cheeks. Here are pictures to help you identify your symptoms.

The location of the rash in adults may vary in pattern, extent, and where it occurs on the butt. Buttock rashes may have a number of causes and will often indicate that something serious is occurring around the butt, or might be an indication of a systemic condition.

Skin inflammation or contact dermatitis often caused by an adverse reaction to something that has come into contact with your skin, and may include soaps, fragrances, or detergents. For instance;

  1. Rash on female buttocks can occur when they wear underwear or pants that have been washed with a certain detergent or treated using a particular chemical. The chemicals that are used to clean the toilet seats are another major cause of the rash on buttocks.
  2. Rash in toddlers, also known as diaper rash may lead to itching and redness on the buttock, inner legs, and abdomen. Ensuring you change the baby’s diaper on a regular basis will help ensure that this condition does not occur.
  • Rash in men can be associated with conditions like psoriasis, impetigo, and eczema. Some of the conditions are chronic and will flare from time to time, and then resolve themselves. In some cases, you will find that rashes may be caused by allergic reactions to medications, detergents, lotions, and food.

The reactions may range from mild to life-threatening, especially when constriction of breathing and swelling is present.

Causes of a Rash on Buttocks

A rash on inner thighs and buttocks comes with very many possible causes, which may include allergens (these are agents that are responsible for causing the occurrence of allergies), autoimmune disorders, infections, and additional causes like stress.

Some STDs, viral infections, pimples on buttocks and heat or sweat are some of the main causes of rashes on the buttock and inner thigh area. In women, wearing pads that may irritate the bikini, vaginal and buttock area can also cause a red rash from a fungal infection.

1. Inflammatory or allergic causes of rash on butt crack

It is possible for a rash on buttock to be caused by contact dermatitis. The common triggers for this condition include:

  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Eczema
  • Poison ivy
  • Metallic substances like copper wire
  • Dyes, detergents, or cosmetics( including anal bleaching products)
  • Personal grooming products like hair removal, soaps, gels, and wax

Additional allergic causes of rash on butt crack include food allergy and insect bite allergy

2. Infections

Rashes on your buttocks can also be caused by infections. The infections include:

  • Shingles or Chicken Pox
  • Impetigo
  • Measles, rubella, and roseola
  • Lyme disease
  • Scabies
  • Ringworm
  • Yeast

What Are Blisters On The Buttocks

3. Autoimmune causes of rash on inner thighs

Autoimmune disorders such as the following can also cause rashes;

  • Kawasaki disease—is a rare, serious disorder that is often characterized by the inflammation of the blood vessels, mucous membrane, and high fever
  • Psoriasis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis—an autoimmune disorder characterized by the inflammation of the joints

When your butt becomes pruritic, the medical term used to describe itchiness; your life can become very miserable, if not very uncomfortable.

It becomes hard almost impossible for you to sit-down, take showers, use the bathroom, or perform many other necessary tasks. As described above, there are very many causes for itchy buttocks. The following are additional causes:

4. Herpes Zoster

Herpes zoster is a type of herpes that is known to cause shingles in adults and chickenpox in the young ones.


The classical appearance of herpes zoster is a red rash, accompanied by blisters that are filled with a clear fluid. Burning, itching, and intense pain are other symptoms that can accompany zoster, and may still be present even after the rash has disappeared.

5. Miliaria

Miliaria is also known as heat rash and normally occurs when your sweat ducts become blocked because of humidity and heat.

It can be characterized by the appearance of a red rash that comprises of small bumps. The itching accompanying the rash on buttocks and butt crack is because of the sweat that is present below the skin and may range from mild annoyance to extreme discomfort.

You can easily resolve this condition by ensuring you stay away from excess heat by wearing loose clothing and staying away from places that are hot.

6. Fungal infections

There exist a large number of fungi that may produce the rash on inner thighs. The infections include but are not limited to ringworms, yeast infections, as well as jock itch.

Fungal infections may occur for varied reasons, but immediately the infection takes place, the end result will be the emergence of a red, circular rash, that often comes with rounded edges, and which may have a noticeable odor.

You can treat a fungal infection by using antifungal powders, creams, or sprays.

7. Psoriasis

Psoriasis will normally cause a red raised rash that has some scales. The condition takes place when your body is unable to produce new skin cells faster than it normally should do.

It, therefore, prevents your body from sloughing off all the dead cells quickly. Even though it is not known what to cause psoriasis, it is known that the condition runs in families.

Treatment will normally vary depending on its severity.

8. Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a type of eczema that results when your skin encounters allergens or irritants. The rash on your buttocks that results from this contact may lead to severe itching with occasional oozing and redness.

Irritants that can cause this problem include dyes, scented bath soap, and scented laundry products.

Symptoms Associated with Rash on Butt Crack

Certain symptoms can accompany rash in toddlers depending on the cause, condition, or disorder. Some of the factors that cause the rashes could also be involved with other body systems.

Apart from the rash, the condition can be accompanied by localized symptoms that include:

  1. Itching or itchy buttocks
  2. Discharge or pus
  3. Bruising
  4. Pain or tenderness
  5. Swelling, warmth or redness

Additional symptoms that can occur with the rash in adults will include:

  1. Headache
  2. Cough
  3. Fever and chills
  4. Sweating
  5. Runny nose
  6. Joint pain and stiffness
  7. Sore throat

Potential Complications of Buttock Rash

Given that the buttock rash could have been caused by a serious condition refusing to seek treatment may result in serious complications, as well as permanent damage. For instance, infectious diseases like measles or mumps can cause it. Lyme disease can also progress leading to cognitive and functional impairments.

When the underlying cause of the rash in toddlers is established, you will need to follow the treatment plan designed by you and your healthcare professional. Following the plan will help reduce the risk of potential implications such as:

  1. Paralysis
  2. Stillbirth or miscarriage
  3. Arthritis
  4. Cognitive difficulties
  5. Permanent hearing loss
  6. Meningitis
  7. Secondary infections that may develop from scratching the trauma area

How to Get Rid of a Rash on Buttocks

Having a rash can be worrying and disturbing. However, the rash can be treated using both modern and traditional remedies. You can get rid of rash on buttocks using:

Home remedies for rashes on skin

It is common for both babies and adults to suffer from rashes on butts. It is important to note that this does not mean that the baby is poorly cared for, or that proper personal hygiene measures are not being observed.

However, failure to treat the rash can result in a bacterial or yeast infection, which will make matters worse.

Rashes are characterized by inflammation of the skin around the buttocks, and this may include the genital area, as well as the upper thighs.

For babies, the main cause of a diaper rash can be traced back to dirty diapers that are either moist with urine or have been soiled with stool. Additional causes include digestive problems, poorly washed diapers, sensitivity to a diaper and food allergies.

The symptoms will often include blisters, red skin, and inflammation. You can use the following natural remedies to get rid of rashes on buttock from the comfort of your home.


Stale urine is highly alkaline in nature, and can thus burn the baby’s soft skin. To ensure you balance out the high pH present in the diapers, you should consider using vinegar, which is considered perfect for this role.


  1. If using cloth diapers, or reusable diapers, ensure you rinse the diapers in a solution containing vinegar
  2. You can add half a cup of vinegar to half a bucket of water and then use it to rinse the diapers. It will help in eliminating any soap buildup present in the diapers, and also eliminate the urine smell
  3. You can also make a weak vinegar solution by adding a single teaspoon of white vinegar to a single cup of water. The weak vinegar solution should then be used to wipe the baby’s bottom whenever you want to change the diaper.
  4. The solution though simple will ensure that the baby’s bottom is resistant to yeast

Baking Soda

Baking soda comes with healing properties, which help treat the buttock rash

What Causes Blisters On The Buttocks


  1. Take two teaspoons of baking soda and dissolve them into four cups of water. Use the baking soda solution to wipe the area with the rashes. Once this is done, you can then use a dry washcloth to pat this area lightly
  2. You could also add two teaspoons of baking soda to a bathtub filled with warm water. Use the water to take a bath.
  3. It is recommended that you bath use baking soda at least three times each day, and remember to pat the area dry once you have taken the bath

Petroleum Jelly

Pediatricians often recommend applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly on the baby’s skin whenever you need to change the diaper.

The jelly protects the area to be covered with the diaper from the irritating effects contained in feces and urine


  1. When you remove the diaper, ensure you clean the bottom using warm water
  2. Use a cotton towel to dry the area before you can apply petroleum jelly
  3. You need to repeat the jelly application process each time you change the diaper
  4. The rash should disappear within no time


Cornstarch is recommended as it plays an important role in the absorption of moisture, thereby making it a great treatment for dealing with rashes. The cornstarch helps keep the skin around the buttocks dry, and this ensures that friction does not occur


  1. For a baby, you need to remove the diaper that has become soiled and then wash the bottom using some warm water
  2. Use another cloth to blot the skin dries carefully. You should allow the skin a few minutes for it to dry naturally
  3. Scoop some cornstarch and sprinkle it on the skin before you can put on a fresh diaper
  4. You have to do this every time you change the diaper until all the rashes are healed


Oatmeal contains a high protein content that helps soothe the skin, and therefore preserve the natural barrier present on the skin.

You will also find that oatmeal contains a chemical compound known as saponin. The chemical compound helps in the removal of unwanted oils and dirt from the pores present on your skin surface.


  1. Take a single teaspoon of dried oatmeal and add it to your bathwater
  2. Allow your body to soak in the water for at least ten minutes
  3. Once you have soaked in it for this duration, use it to take a bath. The water will have a soothing effect on your skin
  4. Repeat this process two times a day until the rash heals properly

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains antimicrobial and antifungal properties, making it a good ingredient for use in getting rid of rashes. The coconut oil will also have a soothing effect on your skin.


  1. The coconut oil works perfectly as any other moisturizer. You will need to apply the coconut oil on the buttock areas that have been affected by the rash
  2. You may also choose to add several teaspoons of this oil to your bath water for increased benefits. When you do this, it helps in killing yeast such as candida, which can also cause rashes in adults.

Breast Milk

Breast milk helps in fighting infections, and at the same time soothes your skin. Breast milk is considered the best and most economical way for a mother to cure the diaper rash present on her baby.

The added advantage of using breast milk is that it does not have any allergic reactions that may make the condition worse.

All a mother has to do is rub a few drops of this milk into the area that has been affected by these rashes, and then allow it some time for it to air dry before using a new diaper.

Shea Butter

Shea butter is an exception natural remedy that comes with yeast killing and anti-inflammatory properties that can help eliminate all rashes that are present.

Shea butter also contains beneficial vegetables, which not only help in improving circulation but also promotes the regeneration of cells while helping the rashes heal at a quicker pace.

  1. Wash your bottom area with lukewarm water and mild soap
  2. You should allow it enough time for it dry naturally
  3. Scoop some Shea butter into your hands and gently rub it until it melts completely
  4. Use your hands to press the affected area, ensuring you rub the Shea butter on the skin that has been irritated
  5. Leave the butter in place for a few minutes before putting on underwear

Plantain Oil

Health experts often recommend the use of plantain oil to help in relieving the symptoms that are associated with buttock rashes in females.

Plantain oil is highly effective for treating rashes that have been caused by allergic reactions. It contains anti-allergic properties that help in soothing and relieving the inflammation that has been caused by the rash.

To treat the rash on your buttocks, or those on your child’s bottom, you may choose to use the herb or the plantain oil


  1. Take clean; fresh plantain leaves and crush them using your hands
  2. Once crushed, place them next to the affected area every time you take a bath or wash your baby
  3. Alternatively, you may also apply plantain oil directly to the skin every time you change your underwear

Fresh Green clay

The clay is mainly sold as a facial mask and is very effective in taking care of rashes that may have been caused by a yeast infection.

Fresh green clay is mineral based and can prevent your rash from spreading while ensuring your skin remains soft and heals at a quick pace.

To get rid of the rash, you will need to sprinkle the Fresh green clay in the area that is affected any time you need to change your underwear.


Many people do not know this, but plain yogurt can be used to treat rashes on butt crack. You have to ensure that you use plain yogurt that does not have any sugars in it.

Scoop some yogurt and place it on the affected bum, ensuring you apply a consistent layer of the yogurt paste.

For babies, you have to ensure you repeat the yogurt application process every time you change the baby’s diaper.

Do Away With Baby Wipes and Replace Them with Wash Cloths

As a mother, the best thing you can do to ensure you prevent your baby from getting a diaper rash is to do away with baby wipes.

Some of the commercial brands available in the market have been manufactured using chemicals that are potentially dangerous. Some also use alcohol as an ingredient, and hence the need to think twice before purchasing the wipes from your local store.

It is particularly important to pay attention to the products you use when the baby’s skin is sensitive, as this makes the baby prone to getting rashes. Instead of using the wipes, you can replace them with clean washcloths, which will allow your infant to remain safe for a long period.

Change Diaper Brand

As a mother, the answer to your infant’s diaper rash problem could be right under the nose, without you even realizing it.

The type of diapers that you purchase for your baby could be the reason why the baby is suffering from rashes. Different companies will use different types of substances and materials in the products they manufacture, and the baby could be allergic or sensitive to these products.

It is common for most mothers to realize this after they have tried many other different solutions, and failed to get any results at all. Therefore, choosing to change the diaper manufacturer may do the trick, and help eliminate all the infant’s diaper problems finally.

Diaper Break

You should realize that not all home remedies would work for the baby’s bottom, especially in a moist environment. For the irritated skin to be healed, it requires fresh air and for the area to remain dry at all time (it is the case for most open wounds and irritations affecting adult and children).

You may also need to consider taking a break from using diapers and letting the child’s skin get some air. When in their crib, you will need to ensure that the baby stays on a clean surface. You can go back to using diapers after this rash has disappeared.

Egg White

Another fast and effective way to get rid of rashes is probably sitting in your refrigerator as you read this article.

Egg whites have proved to be great on the skin, and with consistent use, it leaves the skin completely rash free. What you need to do is briefly whisk an egg and proceed to apply it to the area that has been affected by the rashes. Ensure you apply a generous amount.

After application, you can store what remains in the refrigerator for use the next time you need to take care of the rashes. You should be able to notice some delightful changes in the condition of the skin within a matter of hours.

Rashes appearing on any part of the skin can be very worrying and discomforting. However, you need not worry about them as you can easily take care of the rashes using ingredients that are readily available in most homes. Keep trying until you find the right ingredient, and if the symptoms do not subside, ensure you visit your nearest GP.



Having an itchy red pimple – like rash on buttocks can be a hard condition to live with. Fungal infection, jock itch, heat rash and skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis are some of the reasons of rash on buttock cracks in child and male. The article provides a description of each underlying cause and their symptoms. Treatments on how to cure and get rid are provided for in the post as well.

Rash is a symptom rather than an ailment. It signals an underlying mild or health condition affecting the skin. Having a rash cause the area of the skin to turn red, blotchy and itchy depending on the underlying cause. You may notice spots that are sometimes scaly, raised, bumpy, flaky or filled with pus.

Rash on the buttocks can occur as a result of abnormal conditions usually underlying health condition. This may be an indication of something wrong occurring around the buttock region.

Having a medical condition can cause a rash to develop on your buttocks. They include:

  • Heat rash
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Dry skin
  • Fungal/ viral/ bacterial infection
  • Psoriasis
  • Scabies
  • Heat rash
  • STD such as herpes

We shall discuss each of these causes including their symptoms and how you can treat to get rid of the rash. Let’s us first understand the symptoms of skin rash on buttocks.


What are the symptoms of buttock rashes? The appearance of symptoms and signs of rash on your buttocks are not different from other skin rashes. However, the symptoms may vary depending on the underlying cause. The symptoms may include:

  • Itchiness
  • Redness on the buttocks between cheeks
  • Dry buttock cracks, dry, scaly or crusty skin that may become thick
  • Small blisters may form
  • Tenderness or Painful rash
  • Pus or discharge

Other than the symptoms listed above, buttock rash may accompany the following symptoms:

  • Cough
  • Fever, chills, runny nose and headaches
  • Pain and joint stiffness
  • Sore throat

In some case these symptoms may pose a serious health risk. You should seek immediate medical attention if you have any of the following symptoms. They include:

  • Difficulty in breathing, respiratory problems
  • Suddenly swelling on your face, lips or tongue
  • Throat tightness or constriction
  • Pain in the join or stiffness
  • Fever and chills
  • Becoming unresponsive, unawareness, changes in alertness or in consciousness

Possible Causes:

What causes rash on buttocks? There are a number of many reason of having a rash on your buttocks. They may include allergies, infections, stress or autoimmune conditions. Below we have a discussion on each cause. They include:

1. Contact dermatitis

Rash on the buttocks may occur as a result of contact dermatitis. When the skin around the buttocks gets in contact with irritants or allergens, it becomes inflamed resulting to a red rash on the affected skin. Contact dermatitis can be described as an inflammation when you come into contact with a particular undesirable substance. Some of the common irritants include, shampoos, soaps, dyes, detergents, chemicals, skin care products, etc.

The symptoms of contact dermatitis include:

  • redness of the skin
  • itching or burning feeling
  • swelling
  • soreness
  • blisters
  • dry, scaly, flaky or leathery skin

Although most contact dermatitis aren’t severe, the burning, swelling, tenderness, itching and soreness can be unpleasant. How is contact dermatitis treated? Resist the urge to scratch the irritated skin. You risk worsening the irritation or even cause an infection on the skin that may require antibiotics to treat.

Clean the affected area with lukewarm water to remove any irritants. You can soothe the rash with baking soda. Follow the procedure below:

  • Mix two tablespoon of baking soda in cool water
  • Soak a washcloth in the cool water
  • Squeeze excess water from the washcloth
  • Clean the affected area of the buttock

Alternatively, taking an antihistamine drugs such as diphenhydramine can help relieve symptoms.

2. Fungal rash or Jock itch on buttocks

Fungal rash or jock itch is another common cause of rash on the buttocks. Fungal rash on the buttocks generally occur between both the cheeks before eventually concentrating on the bottom of each cheek and within the skin folds. You’re likely to be affected with fungal rash if you are on long term course of antibiotics, having obesity or diabetics. The rash can also affect people who perspire heavily or using skin care products that irritates the skin.

The causal factor of fungal infection is primarily jock itch. It is caused by dermatophytes and common during summer months, wet or in warm climates. It is type of infection of ringworm infection thus the name ringworm or the groin or tinea cruris.

Jock itch tend to affect the outer layers of the skin including the buttocks, inner thigh and genitals. These areas have warm and moist environment. The symptoms include:

  • blister-like bumps
  • redness of the skin
  • itching, pain and a burning sensation
  • peeling or flaking of the skin around the buttock and groin area

How is fungal rash or jock itch treated? Ringworm infections of the skin are generally not a serious concern. You can treat at home with antifungal creams and powders. Use antifungal creams or powders that contain terbinafine, miconazole or clotrimazole. Have the doctor look at the infection that doesn’t go away, comes back or is severe.

3. Heat rash

Also known as prickly heat and miliaria, heat rash may as well be the cause of butt rash. It occurs when pores of sweat ducts under skin are blocked. This condition is prevalent during summer and humid climates. When sweat is trapped under the skin surface, an inflammation and itching may follow around the sweat pores on your buttocks.

Heat rash in adults usually develops in skin folds and friction caused by tight underpants. Such areas include the neck, shoulders and chest. The armpits, elbow creases, inner thigh, groin and buttock cheeks are also likely to be affected.

Heat rash will resolve on its own without treatment. Avoiding overheating is all you need for mild cases of heat rash. In a cool environment, the heat rash will clear quickly. Severe cases of heat rash may need ointments to relieve the discomfort and further complications. The topical treatment include:

  • Calamine lotion for relieving itching
  • Anhydrous lanolin may help prevent duct blockage
  • Severe cases of heat rash can be treated with topical steroids

4. Intertrigo rash between buttock cheeks

This is a rash described as an inflammatory condition affecting areas of the skin folds. It is common throughout the life. Areas likely to be affected include the armpits, under the breasts, genitals and abdomen. It can also occur where the skin folds rub together and trap moisture. Kids suffer intertrigo as diaper rash. Inner thigh, groins and between buttock cheeks are other areas likely to be affected.

Heat, moisture, lack of air circulation and friction between skin folds are the causes of intertrigo rash. Be sure to visit our doctor if the symptoms get worse. Topical steroids are recommended to reduce inflammation. Antifungal or antibiotic creams or ointment may be used if the area is infected.

5. Hives rash

Also known as urticaria is a condition characterized by skin rash on the affected area. Usually, you will notice an itchy skin that appear as raised bump either pale or red. Hives is triggered by allergic reaction. Other names used to describe hives include welts, nettle rash, wheal or heat rash. This condition can be acute or chronic depending on its severity. The common symptoms of hives include:

  • skin redness
  • itching,
  • raised pale or red bumps
  • swelling in the face, feet, hands or other body parts

Other symptoms of hives that are life threatening include:

  • fainting or loss of consciousness
  • difficulty in breathing
  • swelling of the tongue, face, lips
  • throat and chest tightness
  • wheezing while breathing

You should seek urgent medical attention if you experience the symptoms mentioned above. Hives are treatment with antihistamines to relieve the symptoms. Drugs such as hydroxyzine, fexofenadine and cetirizine are commonly used to cure hives rash on buttocks.

6. Shingles rash in butt crack

Blister In Crack Of Buttock

Having a rash in butt and bikini line? Shingles is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus-[healthline] – this is the same virus known to cause chickenpox. The virus tend to live in the nervous system even after chicken pox is over. Shingles can also be referred to as herpes zoster. It is viral infection characterized by a red painful skin rash with a burning feeling. It occasionally appear as a stripe of blisters on one side of the body, the torso, neck or face.

You will be at risk to suffer from shingles if:

  • You have a weakened immune system, including HIV, AIDS or Cancer patients
  • Taking medications that weaken your immune system such as steroids or drugs given after organ transplant
  • You are 6o or older
  • You have had a treatment for cancer such chemotherapy or radiation

There is no specific treatment for shingles. However, medication can be provided to ease the symptoms and reduce the length of infection. Oral anti-viral medication such as acyclovir, valacyclovir and famciclovir are used to ease the symptoms.

7. Psoriasis

Butt rash may as well be psoriasis. This is skin condition characterized by a reddish scaly rash. It is usually located over the surfaces of the knees, elbows scalp and around or in the ears. The genitals and buttocks may also be affected as well. Psoriasis in the buttocks crease can be red and non-scaly or sometimes red with heavy scales. The skin around the butt is not as delicate as that of the groin.

8. Eczema rash on butt

Having a rash on the buttocks could be a sign of eczema. Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is a chronic skin condition characterized by itchy and blistering rash on the affected skin of your buttocks. The condition appear as early as infancy. It can also affect adults as well. Children who have asthma, hay fever, hives, rhinitis, immune system problems and or chronic sinus problems are likely to suffer from this condition.

The condition is somewhat itchy and you will feel the need to scratch. This can make it only worse. If you got acute atopic eczema, the symptoms include a red, swollen and bumpy rash that itches so badly. Persistent scratching can only cause oozing and crusted lesions which can develop a secondary infection.

Atopic eczema cannot be cured it can however be treated effectively. Mild cases can be cured with over –the- counter medications including creams, ointments and antihistamines. The aim is to relieve the itching, inflammation, burning feeling and other discomforts.

9. Pimply rash on upper buttocks herpes

A pimple-like rash on your butt cheeks may as well be STD such as genital herpes. Genital herpes is a highly contagious type of the herpes simplex virus. The signs and symptoms are usually hard to notice. However, if the symptoms occur, they appear in the following ways:

  • Pain, itching in the genital area, buttock or inner thighs
  • Small red pimple-like bumps, open sores or blisters in the genital area

The typical signs that most people associate with genital herpes are sores or ulcers commonly referred to as lesions. The sores or ulcers often resemble small pimple like rash or blisters that crust over and finally form a scab.

Other Causes

Butt rush can be more than one cause. It could be infections including:

  • Scabies
  • Chickenpox
  • Scarlet fever
  • Pityriasis rosea
  • Meningitis
  • Ringworm

Infection causing rash on the buttocks can be treating through curing underlying cause. Usually antiviral and antimicrobial drugs are recommended.

Itchy red rash on buttocks

Itchy red rash on your buttocks is a symptom of an underlying condition. A rash is generally an irritation or inflammation on the skin surface. There are number of reason why the area on the buttocks is red and itchy. The above discussed causes may all be linked to having an itchy or burning feeling on the butt cracks.

Red itchy rash may be due to allergic reaction, heat rash, fungal rash, eczema, hives or psoriasis. Most of the conditions discussed above have similar symptoms including the affected skin becoming red and itchy.

Treatment include medications to relieve the itchiness and reduce inflammation on the affected skin. The itch can be stopped with over – the – counter drugs such as creams, ointments and antihistamines.

Rash in butt crack male

Having a rash in the butt crack can be a bad experience to deal with. It is hard to deal with a rash on your butt crack when you really don’t understand the cause. In male, a red rash that is in the inside of the butt may be a symptom of a number underlying health problems. It could be a fungal rash commonly known as jock itch. This is a fungal infection of the outer layer of the skin.

The rash caused by ringworm appear as white patches that may be red or peeling. The itching can be intense and the rash can spread so fast. The rash may also be intertrigo usually caused by chaffing together of warm, moist skin of the butt. Men with profuse perspiration in the butt cheeks are also likely to suffer from heat rash.

Sores In Crack Of Buttocks

Whatever the reason, you should find treatment to relieve the symptoms. Most of the skin infections can be treated with home remedies. Antifungal creams and powder found over- the- counter are recommended.

Rash on buttocks child

Blister In Crack Of Buttocks

Rash in the buttocks of a child appears on the skin under a diaper. The rash is commonly seen in infants and children below the age of 2 years. What are the causes of diaper rash on buttocks? They include:

  • Friction: diaper rash is generally a result of constant rubbing or friction that develops when the wet diaper is rubbed with sensitive skin of the baby. The result is a red, shiny rash.
  • Irritation: Irritants such as urine or feces under the diaper can cause a rash on the skin.
  • Candida infection: fungal or yeast infection may as well be the cause of rash on the baby’s buttocks.
  • Allergy to diaper wipes, soaps, lotions or detergents can trigger allergic reaction causing a rash in the butts of your infant

Self-care measures can help cure the rash on buttocks. This includes:

  • Proper skin care
  • Change the diapers more often than normal
  • The skin should be cleaned with a very mild soap


Treatment for rash on your buttocks entirely dependents upon the underlying cause. However the rash can be treated with over-the-counter medications to effectively relieve the symptoms such as itching, burning feeling or pain.

a) Anti-allergic drugs

A rash is a skin irritation or inflammation usually caused by allergens. To relieve and treat allergic reaction use anti-allergic drugs such as antihistamines. They will help reduce skin flare-up and redness of the skin.

b) Steroids

Rash due to eczema on the butt can be cured using corticosteroids. This drugs are helpful to stop inflammation and itching of the skin.

How To Treat Blisters On The Buttocks

c) Antifungal creams, powder or ointments

Fungal rash or jock itch can be cured using antifungal creams, powder ointments. They can be found over – the – counter without prescription.

d) Immunosuppressant drugs

Skin conditions such as psoriasis can be minimized with this group of drugs. Please note, these drugs are known to cause damage to the kidney and influence blood pressure therefore strict medical supervision is recommended.

How to get rid of rash on buttocks – home remedies

Other than medical treatment, you can try self-care measures at home to ease the symptoms.

  • Wash the affected skin with chamomile tea to reduce itching and irritation
  • Apple cider vinegar is also useful to get rid of rash on buttocks, inner thigh and genitals
  • Use olive oil to help soothe the skin with rashes on your buttocks. It help reduce pain and redness of the skin.
  • Cleansing herbs such as Neem can be used to get rid of toxic substances from the body. This can be useful to remove bacterial infections and ease rash symptoms.
  • Oatmeal bath is also effective in eliminating the symptoms of rash on the buttocks.

Tips on how to manage rash near buttocks-Video

Further References: